Page Twenty-Three: Booked

Today's the big day! Anna made her first flight into Charlotte this morning, so now it's time to pray she makes it on to LaGuardia. I'm hoping my two bars of cell phone power last me the entire day. Anna and me at our finest-->

The PR girls (there's a new addition by the way, Daniela, from Canada. She's wonderful!) and I were in a cab running an errand for our boss. My ex-roommate and best friend, Rachel, called to tell me she bought a plane ticket to come see me...she arrives the day Anna leaves and she's staying until the day Charlie is supposed to come. Thus, page twenty-three's title. I'm booked. I can't stretch my smile wide enough.

Yesterday was spent at Haute PR, appeasing a client who seems to have bonded with me. The girls kept mentioning his name and their current task...the Business Plan...with a little bit of discouragment in their voices. I decided I was up for a challenge. We clicked. Now he won't work over the phone with anyone but me. To me, this is one of the funniest things that's transpired yet this summer. Old Richard. By the end of our third or fouth business call with each other, he was inserting jokes into the business plan when we were making updates.

I slept at Janes place again last night. I have the weirdest dreams when I sleep in that bunk bed for some reason. Weird, good though.

We met up with some friends at Van Diemens anniversary party. A night like that means Janie and the Texan eating pizza...getting in a cab...going somewhere...then realizing how dumb we are and returning to our comfort zone. The course of events typically look something like that. Throw in a creeper or two that we mistake for a trustworthy person we have known for years, and you've got the average New York City night with a group of interns playing grown-up in Manhattan for three months.

I just got a text from Anna saying that LaGuardia was looking good for her. My family flies for free so we gave her a buddy-pass to save her some moolah. That means she has to fly stand-by and play the waiting game that I grew accustom to by the age of 2. It's a fun game when it works.

She deserves to get here, though. She works harder than I ever have.

The money-saving/I'm-really-cheap-diet is going well. I still have $7.00, so things are looking up! I'm wearing my favorite scarf today. It's a pretty periwinkle that looks surprisingly good with red lipstick, something I wear when I'm feeling a little daring. I have the rest of my summer filling up nicely, doing things I never thought I would get to do with people I never thought would be here with me, yet I'm really most excited for the simple things.

Example: riding the bus over GW with Anna later today, making sure we get a seat on the left side so we can watch the city go by. It's my favorite part of everyday. I like to get sappy with it and listen to songs like Beautiful Mess by Jason Mraz. Too far, I know.

Today's Confession: Sorry, to guilty to fess up. You'll never know. It's a little combo. Half success, half mistake. Actually, let's go ahead and make that 40/60, success to mistake.

THIS JUST IN: ANNA MADE THE NYC FLIGHT! Told you she deserved this. That plane just can't fly fast enough!

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