Page Twenty-Seven: Affection Was Never Wasted

As my time here is running short I find myself writing less and living more. I'm soaking up every last drop of this city. I think I look at it's sky line through different eyes now. I honestly cannot express what this place has meant in my life. It's stupid to even try to put it into words because I would never do the impact it's made any justice at all.
I've found friends I will remember forever. The people I've developed relationships are one's with big dreams and big personalities and I'm dying to see what they will be up to a year from now. There's no doubt in my mind each of them will be diving deep into big things. With 5 days left in NYC, I can't help but get a little sappy. I came to the city to drown myself with the real world and I think I did just that.

I worked at a restaurant in Maine a couple summers back and my boss gave me a compliment I won't ever forget. "You know why I love you so much? Because you haven't been hardend by the world yet."

I didn't know what that meant. I didn't really know if that statement was even a compliment at all. Now I know that is. I hope I never become hardend by the world. I feel like I've lived in a place for the last 3 months, where everyone is a little hardened; a little tougher, a little meaner, a little colder and a little more worldly. I think I took from these people what I was meant to take. Caution, wisdom, stregnth, courage, selflessness, self-respect, desire, drive, a little fear even. I hope I rubbed off on this place a little, too.

My adventures in the city aren't over yet. I know what can happen in a short 5 days. In fact, my next page, page twenty-eight, will depict some of my most memorable adventures yet.
I'm so grateful for what this city has given me.

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