Page Thirty-Two: Whatcha Gonna Do

To catch up, I'm going to have to dig in my memory bank for the clutch stories over the past couple months. If not for your reading pleasures, than for my personal nostalgia years from now. Here's one for the books.

A normal Thursday night in college typically consists of dressing up like something or someone ridiculous, not because it's Halloween, but because it's Thursday. This particular Thursday was coined "Career Day" and my roommate Leigh had be scheming her perfect outfit for days. A wedding dress. M.R.S. Degree. Oh so clever. The stunning gown she found was off the racks at Goodwill and about three sizes too small, but she bought it anyways after much reassuring that it was nothing a hot glue gun and some scissors couldn't fix. It was God awful. The ugliest, snow-monster dress I've ever seen.

Anyways, after we doctored her dress up and literally tied and glued her in it, we were off. By the way, I was an E! News Red Carpet Correspondent, but...not important. She had two Miller High Life bottles and a fanny pack. Because it's true that wierd things happen to wierd people, a camera crew for a new COPS like show was patrolling with our city's policemen that night. Who better for an episode than a raging bride-to-be with a fanny pack, right? Little did she know that before the police busted the party they had been filming her for about 20 minutes. They saw her try to jump a fence with a 10 foot train and they saw her ditch her Forties in the bushes.

The cops ended up having to help Leigh up out of a mud puddle and preceded to film her for another 30 minutes. She was giving them good T.V. Really good T.V. Trust me, I saw it. After begging her to sign the dotted line and pleading with the reasoning that she would make an awesome episode, they left her with a pretty little ticket and an epic story.

So happy to be only a spectator for this one.

Check out Leigh's blog: and look out for the new Cops show. On the G4 channel, airing soon!

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