Page Thirty-Six: Finally Thankful

You learn a lot about yourself when you begin losing people you don't want to see go, I think. I learned that as comfortable as I am with myself, I still have missing pieces. I learned that I actually am capable of tears and have been on the fast and easy track my whole life without even realizing it. Maybe I'm coming off that track and maybe I'll have to work harder now for things I love. Maybe my life won't just work out perfectly like it always has. After almost 5 months, I think I'm finally OK with that.

Thanksgiving came at a perfect time. When someone goes away it's good to know you still have the ones you don't think about enough. Home felt good.

Sometimes there's no resolve, sometimes you just get tired of being sad. I got tired of it. So, I'm just going to stop. I remembered something called 'perspective' this Thanksgiving. I remembered that sometimes our own is the worst.

This year, Thanksgiving was so much more than being fat and happy for four days, guilt free.

Like I say, I don't know much but what I do know is that an hour of getting beat in tennis by your parents can almost delete a semester of sleepless nights, John Mayer speaks the truth, and it really is friends, lovers or nothing, there's no inbetween so give it up, and lastly, people change but New York City will always be the same.

Happy December Y'all

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